WaterSmart Drinking Water

Today, we are going to take a look at the WaterSmart Drinking Water services.

We have over 25 years of experience in the home water services industry, and we'd love to share our expertise with you!

We will outline the benefits of using large reusable bottles and explain WaterSmart’s bottled water service for you. So let's jump in!


WaterSmart Drinking Water: Two Great Options

WaterSmart offers you two great options for getting your bottled water. You can select the one that best suits your needs and budget.

1. Delivered Bottled Water

If you don't have the time to come to our location and get your bottled water, we can bring it to you. You can choose from 3 different options of great tasting water including:

Our bottled water delivery service is convenient and economical. Order your water online and enjoy free delivery! To order your water now, please fill out our online form.

Cost: $7.25/18L bottle + $10.00 Refundable deposit per bottle


WaterSmart Drinking Water: We can deliver your water right to your home


2. Fill Your Own Bottled Water

If you prefer, you can come to our store and fill up your own bottle with great tasting water. You can bring in your own bottles or you can purchase bottles in our store. We even offer BPA Free bottles for your safety and we also have a handy bottle washer on site.

If you'd like to save even more money, you can sign up for a prepaid water plan and enjoy huge discounted prices.

Cost: 20¢/litre

fill-your- own-bottles.png

WaterSmart Drinking Water: You can fill your own bottles


WaterSmart Drinking Water: Types of Coolers


WaterSmart's freestanding water cooler comes with its own base that you place your water bottles on top of.

They have two separate taps and you can choose from either dispensing cold and room temperature water or cold and hot water.

If you are purchasing a water cooler for children, probably it is best to choose the type that just dispenses cold and room temperature water to avoid any accidental burns from the hot water.


Bottleless Coolers (Point of Use)

WaterSmart's bottleless cooler is a great choice if you don't like to run out of water unexpectedly.

It hooks up directly to an existing water pipe line and the best part is you will never have to change a bottle again.


Benefits of Using Large Reusable Water Bottles

WaterSmart Drinking Water Is Better for Your Health than Other Drinks

Choosing to drink bottled water is a healthier choice over drinking other types of beverages such as soft drinks, coffee, fruit juice, or beer.

Water is one of the best ways to get the fluids that you need every day and it will keep you hydrated without giving you the extra calories or all of the added sugars that are found in other drinks.

For example, in one serving of apple juice there are about 25 grams of sugar and in one serving of orange juice there are about 22 grams of sugar. Water on the other hand has no added sugar and no calories.


Unlike fruit juices, water has no added sugar or calories


WaterSmart Drinking Water Is Less Expensive than Other Drinks

Not only is drinking water a healthier choice for you and your family, but it is also much less expensive than option. Buying large bottled water costs much less than buying other types of drinks. F

or example WaterSmart's drinking water costs only 20¢ per litre if you fill your own bottle and only 40¢ per litre if you want it delivered.


Using Large Reusable Bottles Is Much Better for the Environment

Choosing Large reusable bottles over buying individual, non-reusable bottled water is a much more environmentally friendly choice. Every year about 38 billion plastic water bottles end up in U.S landfills.

One year's supply of water bottles requires 17 million barrels of oil to produce. That same amount of oil could power 190,000 homes alone.


Large reusable water bottles are better for the environment than individual bottles


WaterSmart Drinking Water Will Save You Water

Using a large reusable bottle with a water cooler will actually help you save on water. If you want a cold drink of water, you usually need to run your tap for several minutes which wastes water unnecessarily.

A water cooler on the other hand will provide you with immediate cold water. You will be using all of the water in your bottle and not letting it run down the drain.


WaterSmart Drinking Water Bottles Are Safe

You can purchase BPA free reusable bottles from WaterSmart so you don't have to worry about harmful chemicals seeping into your water.

WaterSmart also has a convenient bottle washer on site to ensure that your reusable bottles are completely clean before you refill them.


WaterSmart Drinking Water, Water Softeners & Plumbing: Your One-Stop Water Services Store

You can rely on WaterSmart not only for great drinking water services but for all of your home water needs. WaterSmart is a full-service plumbing company that can fix any type of plumbing problem you may have and at a price that you can afford.

Is your water too hard? A water softener can help you solve your hard water problem. The professionals at WaterSmart can also help you choose the most effective water softener for the level of hardness in your particular area.

Contact WaterSmart today for all of you home water services.


"Fast and efficient. You go in and are always greeted by their staff warmly and they assist with cleaning the bottles and most times taking them to your car. I have been a customer here well over 10 years!"
- Mark Wolf

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